Ahad, 8 Ogos 2010

Ari Lasso - Mujizat Itu Nyata, posted with vodpod

God Is My Umbrella

Raindrops fall of fear and doubt-

soaking me from the inside out-

but with a shield to keep me dry-

the rain won't cause me harm, and why?

God is my umbrella.

Raindrops full of tears and hate-

form a wall so huge I quake-

but I climb it with the strength of One-

breaking through the rain just like the Son.

God is my umbrella.

Raindrops blinding all that's good-

cover my face like a darkened hood-

but I've got a light shining through the dark-

it's in my heart and left its mark.

God is my umbrella.

Raindrops now begin to slow-

I keep my head up as I go-

A smile which makes my spirit glow-

My eyes are graced with His Rainbow.


Bahan Untuk Atasnya:-

5 biji telur

1 gelas tepung gandum

1 biji kelapa

6 gelas air

sedikit garam

pewarna hijau

daun pandan
Kesemua bahan-bahan diatas digaul,
setelah digaul dimasak diatas api sehingga pekat.
 Apabila pekat barulah diangkat.
Bahan-bahan untuk kuahnya:

2 kotak tepong beras kasar

6 gelas gula

2 biji telur

1 biji kelapa (19 gelas airnya)

sedikit kapur

Tepong kapur,gula,telur digaul bersama 7 gelas air.
12 gelas air untuk dimasak.
Apabila mendidih masukkan adunan tadi
kedalam air santan yang mendidih,
sambil dikacau sehingga rata.
Setelah pekat barulah diangkat.
Masukan bahan ini kedalam daun pisang yang
telah dibuang seperti beg dan barulah masukan lagi
bahan (A) diatasnya dan kukus sehingga masak.